Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Some cards and a birthday wish

I made these cards for some new friends I met in Blogland. I also included some stamped images for them. Hope they like 'em!

I had trouble with this card. I wanted to use colors that I don't normally use, so I chose yellow and orange. Everything came together until I mounted the layered piece to the card. Boy was it crooked! Sheesh! Sorry, my friend, I don't know what happened! But, I think the card turned out ok.

Finally, I'd like to wish Jodi a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I was lucky enough to meet Jodi one day at J's. Yes, ladies, she is as sweet in person as she is on her blog. The one thing I admire about Jodi is that with all the hundreds of followers she has, she still has time to comment on our blogs. She is such a talented gal and hasn't forgotten us "little people". She is very grounded and down to earth. So, Jodi, I hope you had a wonderful birthday with your hubby, family and friends. All of us here in Blogland wish you the very best!
Now, with that said, generous Jodi is giving away this awesome blog candy to celebrate her birthday! See how she is? It's her birthday and she's giving away presents! If you haven't done so yet, please stop by Jodi's blog and wish her a happy birthday!
Until next time, take care and be safe. Aloha ...


  1. I love your cards Miss Linda! I love the bright colors and the layering! That embossed piece is so great and I love the palm tree!

  2. Hey Linda,
    I love the new look of your blog! Wow!!
    Both of your card are adorable, I love the orange and yellow card and Anya is adorable!

  3. Love the cards Linda. It's so detailed and the layering looks just fine to me.

  4. Both really cute cards! Pretty colors in those flowers. Ooohhh and new blog look, looks fantastic! ~Hugs

  5. Sister, both cards turned out great. Simply Sassy, KWIM?!?! And how's your Edward on here? Or is it Edgar? Dang.. I will never get it! LOL... oh - right there, his name is right there... DUH!!! How you going come to your page and NOT drool??! LOL.... I cannot, he looks too young for me... I think I would tear him apart... rrrrhhhh!!!


  6. Oh very cute, lovely makes. Kim

  7. I love both of your cards, not sure what you mean about the colours, they are both stunning. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  8. Cute, cute, cute! Both cards are adorable!

  9. Cute cards for some wonderful people. Great job!

  10. These are so cute Linda! Love your background, yummy, lol! Have a great rest of the week!


  11. lovely cards! they are so cute! I'm sure your new friends in blog land will love it! great choice of colors too! TFS!

  12. hey linda! didn't notice the crooked layer cuz this guy with the dreamy eyes keeps looking at me! really cute cards! like the little ANA flowers on Anya's little buns!

  13. I love the card!!!! I need to post it on my blog when I get the chance! I've been busy running around taking care of everything before the trip! I was so happy to find it in my mailbox the other day! You are just too sweet!!!!

    The other card is sooo adorable! Love it!!

    Hope you're doing well!

  14. Linda, I LOVE these two cards! They are so cute and the colors are so summer-y! I love how you cut out the images and have them popped up, very dimensional. Your friends will love them. You're just going at it and cutting up a storm...but I know you love the look it gives. Wonderful job! Hugs, Cami

  15. Hey sister!!! Love these cards! Love the colors on the Flutter Anya card, they came together perfectly! Oh and those coconuts on that tree.....too cute!

    I'm finally packing up my computer today (Had to save it for last! lol) Can't wait to get all hooked up in my new house to see what all you wonderful ladies have created. Don't know how I'm going to handle not stamping and blogging for these next few days (maybe weeks! ha!)


  16. Whoa sister, you sure have been BUSY! Oh, I love these cards and the colors are PERFECT! I'm so glad it's Friday girlie! Toodles...

  17. OMGosh Linda!! YOU are such a sweet person!! I thank you for your sweet birthday wishes! I've only had a chance to post on blogs today, the weekend was just too busy with going out with friends. =) I love your blog and omg, I have just started to read the twilight saga, and I am on book #2! I just love Edward, but will not take him from you... LOL!! =) He is HOT! LOL!
    Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful day, hope to see you soon!
    Jodi =)


Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your comments! Have a wonderful day!