Monday, August 16, 2010

Some news & a challenge!

Hey all! Happy Monday! Shall I give you the news first or the challenge? Hmm ... well, they're actually related so I'll just tell you! Remember in my last post I told you about a new shop that Berenice has opened up with her friend Karla? Just in case you missed it, the new on-line shop is called Karber Shop. It's full of really cute digi images and I hope you'll stop by and pick some up. Karber will also be having weekly challenges, starting today. Head on over to their challenge blog HERE for all the details of the first challenge and don't forget to become a follower!

So you must be wondering why I have the entire Twilight Saga picture below ...

If you're a follower, you know that I just LOVE everything TWILIGHT, right? Here's the deal - Karber's first challenge is to create a TWILIGHT inspired card! Is that not a perfect challenge for me??? Of course I had to enter! I used Karber's EDWARD digi image on my card. I'm very happy with the way it turned out!

Oh! I almost forgot to tell you the NEWS! Berenice has asked me to be on the Design Team for Karber and I accepted! Funny how one door closes and another door opens ... Thanks Berenice, its an honor to be on your DT!

That's it for now people. I'm off to work and will be back later with more creations! Until next time, take care.


  1. Hi sis! So glad you are with me on this adventure. Your card is amazing. I love all the details about it :)
    Big hugs.

  2. Hi Linda, it was nice to see you on my blog today, I hope you are keeping well, I can see youve been a busy girl and that you are still in love with Edward, love the card by the way. Take care with love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  3. CONGRATS TO YOU MY BFF!!! What an exciting new adventure ... LOVE YOUR CARD!

  4. Congratulations Linda...such exciting news! Love the way you arranged the flowers on your card...very cute and creative!! :-)

  5. congrats linda! super exciting :)! cute card! i still haven't gotten into twilight stuff yet...i know, pretty bad, hehe. thanks for sharing and hope you're having a great day! *hugs* steph :)

  6. Awesome card, Linda! So happy to be in the same team with you!

  7. I'm so not into "Twilight"--too old!!--but I love your card! Congrats on being a Karber girl!

  8. Adorable!! I love that there are more images for Twilight!! Very cute!
    Jodi =)

  9. what a cute card! congrats on making the DT!

  10. Wow- awesome news! Congrats on making DT! Looking forward to seeing your creations.

    Jenny (from Hilo)

  11. congrats on your new adventure! Love your card! ooh! I had to go bus' out my Twilight book and start reading again! Have a sparkling day!

  12. Congrats on being on the new DT!!! Love the Twilight card. Gotta get moving & create something myself! TFS!

  13. CONGRATS Sweetie! Great news that you are on the Karber DT! Woo Hoo! Love your Edward card and of course the colors! See you soon! Love ya! Cami

  14. Aww, look at Edward! Adorable card, Linda!

  15. PS -- I'm a HUGE MJ fan - your music just made my day! :)

  16. Congrats on joining the Karber DT! Awesome card and I love the sentiment!

  17. Congratulations Linda :o) Adorable card and Edward is such a cute boy here!! I can't tell you are a super Twilight fan (just kidding) Of course I can tell! LOL


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