Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Hi friends! Are you still with me? Sure hope so! I've been MIA lately. Not sure why ... haven't been able to create much of anything and I have so much that I need to create! Lots of things going on in my life ... hope you stick around ... I promise I'll be back to creating and posting very soon! For all you Rob fans, here's another pic. Enjoy!


  1. Still here Linda, don't worry.

    We all have those times, it's frustrating but I find If I force mysef tp create when it's nor really flowing I just end up throwing work in the bin, so best to just ride the storm. Your mojo wil be back.

    B x

  2. No worries Linda. We are all feeling a litle less creative. Must be the weather.

  3. Thats ok Linda, I see youve got some lovely Eye Candy as you call it. Hes very handsome isnt he? with lvoe and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxx

  4. I feel like that sometimes too, Linda!

  5. No worries Linda! Of course I'm with you sister :)

  6. Miss you Linda and your wonderful creations!!! i spy a HOTTIE!!! LOL... have a great day!

  7. Miss you, but I understand. I was like that last week. Maybe you are on a secret rendevous with Mr. Edward? Hmmm......

  8. Linda, I was only wondering the other day where you had got to and that I hadn't been to visit you for awhile... I find everyone needs a break every now and again... But it's nice to know you are missed isn't!
    BTW...If you keep spoiling us with gorgeous pictures of that gorgeous man...we will never leave!!! Xx

  9. heck, you just keep posting those pics of Edward and all will be forgotten!! JK!
    I do miss your posting your creations and all those lovely RAKs that you receive! See ya soon!

  10. Got your back girlie! Eddie must be keeping your busy...

  11. Thanks for the sweet comment Linda.
    My bookworm daughter just finished the first Twlight book a few days ago. She is 9 and said she is too scare to watch the movie, lol

  12. I'm always happy with your Edward posts! :) Enjoy your break, it's nice to have those once in awhile! ~Hugs

  13. me too! I haven't had much to post lately, but I do have so much to do!!! thanks for the eye candy...I should show you my guy! lol! thanks for the well wishes! I hope to post pictures when we get back! have a great long weekend too!

  14. Hi Linda
    I was just checking in. I hope you are doing well.

  15. This is my kind of post!! LOVE him!!
    Jodi =)


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