Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all had a very safe and happy celebration with all your family and friends! I can't believe it's 2010 ... where did 2009 go??? Anyhow, this is a really short post tonight. Nothing crafty to share, but I had a question for all my local blogging/crafting sisters out there: Are any of you going to the live taping of "The Joy of Crafting" show this Saturday at Ben Franklin Mapunapuna? If so, leave me a comment to let me know, and maybe I'll see you there!
In the meantime, my obsession with TWILIGHT has started up again, and I am finally over my "crush" on Jacob. I'm definitely TEAM EDWARD!!! To quench my "thirst", I'm going to see New Moon again this week. OME, I can't wait ... until then, let's enjoy this beautiful photo of Edward ...

As my BFF would say, "OH EDDIE!" Hahahaha! I've got a bunch of RAKs to share before I post any of my creations and I want to say thank you to all of you who have stayed with me during my "absence". Until next time, take care of yourselves and be safe out there! Aloha ...