Sunday, May 31, 2009
RAK from a little girl
Thank you so much, Gracie, from the bottom of my heart! Your thoughtfulness shows the kind of person you are - Kae is lucky to have you as her Mommy! Looks like I'll need to start coloring these images and make some cards soon ...
Overdue thanks
"New Moon" Trailer

Friday, May 29, 2009
For Twilight Fans
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Monkey see, monkey do ...
Yup, that's us! The two monkeys "sticking tongue" and blowing spit balls at each other. Ok, Kyoks, you were RIGHT. Enjoy it while you can, Sis, because I don't know when I'll be saying that again. LOL!!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
My OCS is late this month. It was due last Wednesday, but my partner and I had communicated with each other and we both agreed that it would be ok if we were late. Anyhoo, I wanted to do something very different for my partner. This month, I was paired up with Jodi of Inked Inspirations. OMG, talk about pressure!!!
I decided to make a Tri-Shutter Card. I got the idea from Bonnie over at The Craftiblog. Her instructions were super simple to follow! I would encourage everyone to give it a try. Here is the front of my card:
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Card for Mom
Remember my attempts at coloring black hair? Well I decided to use this image on my Mom's birthday card. I didn't realize how handy it was to have an image ready and waiting to be used!!! I may have to do more coloring of various images just to have them on hand. The card base is a printed card from a DCWV box card set, used my Nesties scallop to frame the image, and added All Natural Accents flowers. Simple card, but I think it turned out pretty nice.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
They grow so fast ...

Monday, May 18, 2009
Stamped image folder
Sunday, May 17, 2009
May Aloha RAK
I'm also including five different stamped images, but those will be a surprise for my partner! Now I need to finish up my May OCS and start on a few other projects I have lined up. Thanks for stopping by and always leaving me such sweet comments. I read all of them and appreciate your taking the time to comment! Until next time, take care of yourselves, be kind to each other, tell your loved ones you love them, and stay safe. Have a wonderful week everyone! Aloha ...
Sweet RAK
Now, check out this gorgeous card that came with my goodies. It's beautiful and it's PURPLE!!!
Hmm, maybe one day I'll be as good as Chalsie, Cami, Kyoko and all you other patient cutting sisters! Thanks again, Chals, for everything ...
Friday, May 15, 2009
Trying to color black hair ...
Well, I'm off to work in a little while. I'm going to Mamma Mia tomorrow night with my sister (dinner first at Assaggios), then to Jen's Cricut class on Sunday. I need to work on my OCS and my May Aloha RAK too. AND make some "local" cards for Brenda's MS fundraiser (please see the link on my sidebar). Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Until next time, take care of yourselves, be kind to each other, tell your loved ones how much you love them, and be safe out there. Aloha ...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Super Superstar Blog Candy Alert!
A Little Note of Thanks
I wanted to share with you a little post it note holder I made for a couple of the girls at my office. These young ladies are a huge help to me - I don't think they realize how much stress they actually take away from me when they're working on my "projects". So, thanks you guys! You make my life at the office so much easier! Back to the project ~ I found this particular holder on someone's blog (I'm so sorry I can't remember!) and I really liked the look of it because it's like a little purse! I didn't take a picture of how it opens up, but you can figure it out, right? I used a SU stamp that says "A Little Note of Thanks Just For You". I thought that was so appropriate for this little note holder and to convey my thanks to them. I hope they liked them!
That's it for now. I'm in the middle of coloring some Anya images that I hope to be using on some cards this weekend. Trying to color black hair with the Copics I picked up at Hawaiian Graphics a couple of weeks ago. I'll post the colored images when I'm done. Thanks for stopping by! Aloha ...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
More awesome awards!

Inspiration Award

Monday, May 11, 2009
Cards for a Cause
If you are like me, you make far more cards than you know what to do with, so I would be delighted if you could spare a card or even more, so they can be used to help raise funds at a National event which is taking place this summer.
The MS society are holding a series of "Wheel and Walk" events during June where branches will joint together to raise funds for Professor Compston's MS Research at Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge and local MS groups. Details can be found here.
This cause means a lot to myself and family as I was diagnosed with MS almost twenty years ago. At the time I had a very young family, so much in life I wanted to do and saw no future. MS is a horrific disease and Professor Compston has and continues to do some incredible work and I have been more than happy to be one of the 'samples' used in his research. Doctors tell me I am an anomaly as despite spending some years virtually housebound and in a wheelchair, things improved for me and apart from sight and pain issues which you can live with, I consider myself very, very fortunate to enjoy mobility and reasonable quality of live.I have always tried to add my small contribution to MS fundraising in whatever way I can and two of my sons' run the London Marathon for MS.
I really do believe that with your help, a substantial volume of cards can be drawn together to be sold and raise funds on 28th June 2009. I am still in the process of trying to establish if it is possible to have some localised collection points, perhaps craft stores. But in the meantime I would be delighted to hear from anyone via e.mail (this can be done if you follow my profile) so I can give you an address to post your card/s to. Sir Stampalot and Stamp Addicts both have collection boxes for cards in store.I'd be thrilled if you feel able to help spread the word. Just copy and paste the flower image and text from my bog (the flower has the html link embedded to take people to my post).
I hope some of you Island Girls will send some of your wonderful creations to Brenda for this very worthwhile cause. This is a great chance for us to spread the Aloha spirit around the world!
It was very simple to make! I got the idea from Stephanie Luman on the SCS site, and I also saw Dawn Griffith's video tutorial. If you haven't made one of these yet, you should try it!
This last picture is what my hubs and son brought me last night for dessert for Mother's Day. Talk about a delicious chocolate sundae!!! Can you say YUM-O!!! It was from Cold Stone Creamery - chocolate ice cream, mixed with brownie pieces, chocolate syrup, mini chocolate chips, and served in a chocolate dipped waffle bowl covered with candy sprinkles! Obviously I'm not as healthy as my Mom! LOL!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Lovely Blog Award
Again, this was so unexpected but very much appreciated. Ok, I know I'm not accepting an Academy Award or anything, but I just wanted to say that I've met so many kind and generous ladies (like Shirley) through Blogland and I am truly thankful for that. I especially would like to thank Teri for encouraging me and Kyoko to start our blogs. So THANK YOU, TERI, for opening my eyes up to a whole new world, or should I say land (Blogland)! You are and always will be an inspiration to me.
I would like to send this award to ALL of my LOVELY followers and commenters. I really do appreciate hearing from you! I'd also like to send this out to: Fay, Michele, Teri, Joy, Enjoli, Claudette, Laura, and Joy! You ladies ROCK!

Have a great week everyone and I'll talk to you soon! Take care, and be safe out there! Aloha ...
Overdue RAKs
Since I was home today and started feeling better this afternoon, I decided to work on some very overdue RAKs. This first card is for Chalsie. I was gonna use my Cuttlekids pig die then I realized that I also had the monkey one. I think this guy is pretty cute too!
Here's a close-up of Mr. Monk. Do you guys watch that show "Monk"? He is hilarious! Sometimes I feel like him, especially when I go to Don Quiote on Makaloa Street. LOL!
Along with the card, I sent Chalsie this bookmark I made. Since we're both TWILIGHT fans, I figured I'd try and make a Twilight bookmark. It didn't turn out exactly as I hoped, but I'm happy with it. I hope she is too! By the way, I FINALLY FINISHED THE SERIES!!! OMG, I can't stand it! I didn't want it to end!!! Lorna, are you finished yet??? I'm gonna have to read it again and I can't wait for NEW MOON to come out on November 20th!!! Can you tell I'm obsessed? Ok, calm down, girl. It's only a book ...
That's it for my creations today. I'm gonna do another quick post on another topic. Hope you stick around ...
Monday, May 4, 2009
Oldies Part 3
This first picture if of my very first box in a bag. I got the pattern for this from Diana Gibbs on SCS. Because it was so simple to make, I decided to make another one to hold my gift card for a baby shower.