Sunday, February 28, 2010

Finally uploaded some pix, Part 2

These are some awesome cards and creations I've received from some of my blogging sisters. This first beautiful card is from Mama. She does some amazing work and if you haven't visited her blog yet, you need to get there quickly! Mama also included the thoughtful phone charm at a time that I really needed it. Thanks so much GF, your thoughtfulness really means a lot to me!

These next bunch of goodies is from Joy. Mini notebook, note card, and image holder, all made in my favorite color. Thanks Joy!

Can you guess who these creations are from? If you guessed Cami, you're absolutely correct! Cami's creations are always so well put together and beautiful! Thanks for the party favors Cami!

I hope you've enjoyed looking at all these awesome creations. As I've said in a previous post, I'm not bragging about these things that I've received, but want to showcase the talent of all these extremely creative women! Thanks for visiting!


  1. Gorgeous RAKs!!! everything is so well done... LOVE the creations from these talented ladies!! they surely rock... and so do YOU!! hugs!

  2. Great RAKS! You totally deserve them all!

  3. What a truckload of goodies! Lucky Dog ... you truly deserve it because you are such a giving person!


  4. Super cute goodies Linda! All in your fav color! Wohooo ride em' cowboy!


  5. These are all so awesome!! Love them all girl! I will be mailing my goodies this week, for sure!
    Jodi =)

  6. Love the RAKs! You are totally deserving.


Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your comments! Have a wonderful day!