Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Special things

Hey all! Hope you're doing well. Can I just say THANK YOU GOD for keeping all of us safe during these last few days, as we all waited to see what would become of Hurricane Felicia. As you all know, Felicia was downgraded to a tropical storm, then a tropical depression, and now we are just having lots of rain and wind. It's kinda weird to look outside and see all the gray skies and rain, knowing that it's the middle of summer.

Anyway, on to my post. I was lucky enough to meet two great blogging sisters this past Saturday. I've been "talking" to Joy and Claudette for a while now and it was such a pleasure to finally meet them in person. They are both such sweet gals! Claudette made me this cute HK bag with some yummy goodies inside as a thank you for something I gave her a long time ago. You didn't have to do that, Claudette, but thank you! I also want to say THANK YOU to Joy for the "special" things I got from you too! You gals are too much ...

These next two cards were for some very special people. We celebrated my MIL's birthday this past Saturday night, along with my 25th wedding anniversary, my sister's birthday, and my parents' 58th wedding anniversary. Whew! Did I forget anything? Anyhoo, let me confess something first. I was making my sister's card, but wasn't able to finish it before the America concert. I told her it was coming but she told me never mind, the concert was enough. So I didn't finish it. THEN, I totally forgot to make an anniversary card for my hubby! OMG! I couldn't believe it! He didn't say anything about it, but I'm still planning on making a special one for him too. I'll post both cards when I'm done. I knew that for my MIL's card I wanted to use Geisha Anya and give the card an asian look. I'm very happy with the way it turned out. Happy Birthday Mom!

I used this cute Lily & Billy image that I got from Jodi for my parents' anniversary card. They celebrated their 58th wedding anniversary on August 4th, while they were in Las Vegas. I knew that I wanted to use a cute image like this for their card - they are still very healthy and young at heart! Love you Mom and Dad!

I have a few more special things to post, but I'll save that for the next time. Thanks for visiting everyone! Take care and aloha ...


  1. Great cards Linda!!! I love the Lily and Billy set... they're on my wish list that i keep for my hubby... LOL... Keep up the great work!

  2. Wow Linda, what fabulous cards, they will be be loved when the people receive them. It sounds as though youve had a rather wonderful time just lately. With love and hugs Shirleyxxx

  3. Beautiful! And i totally understand the card making thingy...mines dont get to them till almost a month later, but the "thoughts" there!!

  4. I love Pink Cat Studio!! Great coloring Linda! So sweet of you to make them a card. Can't wait to see you on Saturday!!

  5. What a sweet rak from Claudette, she is so wonderful! Love your two cards and once again I am rocking out to your music and google-eyed over your wall pics, lol!


  6. You are so sweet Linda, always thinking of everyone! =)
    I love both of the cards that you made, and how you created an asian scene with Geisha Anya too! The card you used with the pink cat studio stamp is so sweet for that occassion as well!!
    Hope your day is going well!
    Jodi =)

  7. such a cute RAK from Claudette! she is so thoughtful! I love your two cards too! they are so cute and I'm sure they loved it! hope all is well with you...see you Saturday! so should I bring cho-cho lips with me? hahaha! that would blow Kyoko's mind! hehee!

  8. Cute RAK from Claudette. Love your birthday and anniversary card. I'm sure that your family loved it. You are so thoughtful. I'm surprised that you could find the time to fit that all in. You need to tell us all about the concert on Saturday!!!

  9. Awesome RAK from Claudette! Whoa sister, your cards came out SUPER CUTE! I love your MIL's card ... great coloring and layout!

    OMG, I told you Joy was being greedy with "lucious". Yah tell her to bring him, but at least SHARE THIS TIME! LOL!

  10. Oooh you're cards are too adorable!!!! I lvoe the Geisha one! And the PCS is too cute!!!!!!

    Girl, you're so kind! I wish I could get you some stamps, but shoot you ladies have them all!!! LOL! I no longer know what to get anyone cause everyone has all the stamps! LOL!

    Can't wait to see you and everyone else Saturday! Ooh, I gotta burn some disc! Oye...lots to do!

  11. Isn't Joy & Claudette the best? Love your cards..and congrats to your parents on their anniversary!

    Was good to see you tonight as always! Sorry for all the interruptions...hopefully we'll get to chat more on Saturday!

  12. ALL of these cards as so adorable, Linda! You've been so busy celebrating so many occasions and each recipient of your handmade card will treasure them. You put so much thought into "personalizing" your cards so it is very special...just like YOU! Congrats on your 25th wedding anniversary...can't believe look too'll stay forever young like your parents! Big hugs, Cami

  13. Cognrats on your 25th Anniversay, Linda! Wow!
    Nice cards! I especially like the birthday one! :) You are always so thougthful, Linda!

    Have a wonderful day!

  14. Hi Linda,
    Both of your cards are beautiful! I love the Asian inspired card, totally beautiful! Your MIL is going to love it!
    The card you made for your mom and dad is super cute!! What a blessing these days to stay married 58 yrs.
    Awesome RAK and I'm glad that the hurricane passed over your area! I've never been through a hurricane before, but from what I've seen on TV, they can be awfully scary. yikes!

  15. Aloha! Such a *handsome* blog you've got here, Linda! Tee hee! Your cards are beautiful! We love Hello Kitty here, too - and your bag is just darling!! And Happy Anniversary to you - 25 years, so wonderful! That is where dh & I went on our honeymoon :) Thank you for visiting my blog! I just became a follower of yours (here and Hawaii Edward blog - that is the best ever!!) Mahalo!


Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your comments! Have a wonderful day!