Monday, January 4, 2010

Just wanted to say ...

Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all had a very safe and happy celebration with all your family and friends! I can't believe it's 2010 ... where did 2009 go??? Anyhow, this is a really short post tonight. Nothing crafty to share, but I had a question for all my local blogging/crafting sisters out there: Are any of you going to the live taping of "The Joy of Crafting" show this Saturday at Ben Franklin Mapunapuna? If so, leave me a comment to let me know, and maybe I'll see you there!

In the meantime, my obsession with TWILIGHT has started up again, and I am finally over my "crush" on Jacob. I'm definitely TEAM EDWARD!!! To quench my "thirst", I'm going to see New Moon again this week. OME, I can't wait ... until then, let's enjoy this beautiful photo of Edward ...

As my BFF would say, "OH EDDIE!" Hahahaha! I've got a bunch of RAKs to share before I post any of my creations and I want to say thank you to all of you who have stayed with me during my "absence". Until next time, take care of yourselves and be safe out there! Aloha ...


  1. Hey GF!!! Sorry, no can go to BF on Sat. I got the kiddos all to myself . . . boohoo! Won't want to ruin the taping with wails!

    Boy, you are a Twi-fan! I think I'm the only one on this planet that hasn't seen the movie or read the books . . . shame on me! :) Anyways, enjoy yourself and good to see that you're back on the scene!

  2. Hi Linda! Looks like you're a big "Twilight" fan! Have fun at the BF taping and hope to meet you one day soon! Have a great week!

  3. hahahaha!!! I think if I did have to choose a team...GO JACOB!!! Edward really looks like a vampire and um...I'll leave it at that! had a good time today! thanks for the laughs! keep me updated on everything...keeping you and your family in our prayers! OLIVE JUICE!

  4. oh...Taelyn says "HI AUNTY LINDA"

  5. Welcomw back to Team Edward!! You are just to funny hoppin bacc and forth. Well love the pic of him, as always!!Cant wait to see your RAKS!!

  6. Man, you get to go to the live taping?!? i wanna go... LOL, that's okay maybe next time... won a neighbor island guest spot though.... woooohooo! miss yah lovely! keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! hurry up and post your creations already! =D hehehe!

  7. How fun, a live taping of a craft show! I have yet to see New Moon, hopefully soon. Take card and Happy New Year!

  8. Hi Linda,
    Happy New Year! Have fun at the taping! I'm sure you gals will make it fun. I'll email you later about when I can visit again.

    Jenny (from Hilo)

  9. Hey Linda! I'll be there!Oh, that's right...I'm hosting the show!LOL!I'm so happy that you'll be there and I'm pretty sure you'll see some people you know. Can't wait!

  10. Hi Linda! Won't be there but let me know when it'll be aired. Make sure you they get a pic of you if they scan the audience!

  11. Hau'oli Makahiki Hou my dear friend!!! Wishing you the best in the year 2010! Feels like I haven't seen you in like forever!!! Hope you're doing well and can't wait to see you and the others soon!! Go Team EDWARD!!!

  12. Oh My Edward indeed!!!
    Welcome back to the team ;)

    Happy New Year! and enjoy the movie :)
    ~ margie

  13. Team Edward all the way!!! Jacob's the buddy but Edward's the MAN! Book wise, that is. (Haven't seen the movies yet)
    Have a good one!

  14. Wish I could go to the BF taping, but I'll be watching Avatar instead with the family. Happy new year!

  15. Well, first off, I am shocked that you have switched back over to Team Edward!!! YAY!! We are back in business!! =)
    LOVE him! EDWARD is my man!! LOL! okay we can share!! Hee Hee!
    Jodi =)

  16. Hi Linda! Seems everyone is so happy that your back to team Edward! That certainly is a gorgeous pic! I won't be at the taping, but please enjoy yourself!

  17. Morning Linda, my granddaughter is an Edward lover as well, so that was a bit shock, but then she is 14 what should I expect.
    Happy New Year love, with love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  18. Hi Linda! Happy New Year! Nice picture :)

  19. Go Team Edward! Edward all the way!!! Love your new pics! Won't be at the live taping but I'll watch the show later. Hugs, Cami


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