Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Little Note of Thanks

Good evening everyone! Can you believe its Thursday already?!!? Woo hoo - the weekend is almost here! I can't believe I made it through the week! Thank You Lord!

I wanted to share with you a little post it note holder I made for a couple of the girls at my office. These young ladies are a huge help to me - I don't think they realize how much stress they actually take away from me when they're working on my "projects". So, thanks you guys! You make my life at the office so much easier! Back to the project ~ I found this particular holder on someone's blog (I'm so sorry I can't remember!) and I really liked the look of it because it's like a little purse! I didn't take a picture of how it opens up, but you can figure it out, right? I used a SU stamp that says "A Little Note of Thanks Just For You". I thought that was so appropriate for this little note holder and to convey my thanks to them. I hope they liked them!

That's it for now. I'm in the middle of coloring some Anya images that I hope to be using on some cards this weekend. Trying to color black hair with the Copics I picked up at Hawaiian Graphics a couple of weeks ago. I'll post the colored images when I'm done. Thanks for stopping by! Aloha ...


  1. You are such a thoughtful person Linda! I'm sure the ladies in your office will love these.

  2. I totally love mine Linda!! I know from helping you with projects that it takes a lot of the stress off your plate. And you know you can give me projects whenever--even the crazy ones. :) love you!

  3. Cute post it holder Linda. You have some lucky ladies in your office. Have a terrific weekend!

  4. WOW Sis, those post it note holders are so pretty! I am sure they will LOVE it.

  5. Eh, you neva show me these!!! It came out REALLY NICE! Don't forget to teach me how to make them. IT'S FRIDAY!!!

  6. How nice of you to make these nice post-it holders for your friends. You are such a thoughtful person and I know you make everyone around you very happy with your giving heart! Bless you, Linda! Hugs, Cami


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